segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2020

Dark: a Reflection on Time, Space and Causality from the view point of Complexity


ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to analyse the German series Dark available for streaming on the Netflix platform. Based on the combination of Charles S. Peirce’s philosophy with theorists of complexity Ilya Prigogine, Mário Bunge, Edgar Morin and Jorge Albuquerque Vieira, the purpose is to develop a semiotic-systemic analysis observing how this series is structured through three integrated narrative axes: spatiality, temporality and causality. At the end of the text it is concluded that the series proposes a flow of distinct space-time experiences, recursive and retroactive. Its multimodal causal plot articulated in a recurring spatiality and immersed in disparate temporalities allows us to have a multifaceted vision about its characters. The aesthetic project would, above all, not reside in the Einstein/Rosen premise about the reversibility of time, but in human complexity. 

KEYWORDS: Dark; Netflix; Semiotics; complexity; Streaming.

You can find the full article in this link: